Posted on: 02.11.2022.

Author: ssvetec

Healthy eating day

Healthy Eating Day is traditionally celebrated across the globe on the first Wednesday of November. It was established to remind people of the importance of healthy nutrition and what we put in our bodies. As science advances, we have learned that our diet can improve our health and be the key to a long and healthy lifestyle. Our diet plays an important part in our overall health and the body's ability to recover from any disease.

But is this the only day we should focus on a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle? No way. Good nutrition, hydration, enough exercise, exercise, spending time in nature, quality sleep - all this should be very important and normal for each of us, but a quick way of life, stress, and obligations often make it impossible. Healthy eating reduces your risk of being overweight and obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer, strengthens your teeth and bones, enhances your mood, increases energy, and helps you sleep better.

So let's pause for a moment and think about how we can improve our lifestyle, and thus our health, mood, and energy.

A healthy way of eating, and hence such a way of life, does not require much sacrifice, as it often seems. There is a misconception that healthy foods are tasteless, bland, and expensive, but this is by no means the truth. Rich fruit flavors, colorful vegetables, delicious chicken, crispy salad, nuts, juicy berries, flavourful seeds - all this is waiting for you. With some simple advice, you will realize that it is not difficult. These small changes will make your health and lifestyle better. have more energy to spend with your family, and be less sensitive to stress, and those are certainly great benefits, aren't they?

It will be easy and quick to apply these tips in your daily life: 

  1. Have breakfast
  2. Eat a balanced diet - the five most important food groups
  3. Choose nutritional calories - vegetables, fruits, nuts, yogurt, fish, etc.
  4. Eat the "rainbow" - colorful fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas, plums, quinces, mangos, broccoli, peppers, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, etc.
  5. Hydrate - water is vital for life
  6. Use water or fruit teas instead of soft drinks
  7. Eat or make juices from fresh fruit instead of processed juices
  8. Start cooking if you have not yet - this way you will see for yourself what you put into your body during a meal, and have a good time at the same time
  9. Let every meal contain one or more fresh ingredients
  10. Eat as little red meat and processed meat as possible, which is highly salty
  11. Eat more protein than you can get in eggs, chicken, shellfish, nuts, beans, lentils, seeds, tofu, etc.
  12. Read the small print on the labels - this is where information about different supplements is most often found
  13. Every day vs. Occasionally - Eat healthily, but sometimes indulge in something special with no remorse
  14. Move more - whether you're walking, running, biking, going to the gym, or anything else, physical activity in all of its forms is important for physical and mental health
  15. Get adequate sleep - try to establish a good sleep cycle

Adopt these simple habits and you will notice results in a short while. Along with better health, you will be in a better mood, more rested, and more energetic. Prepare meals together with the children, and use this time to socialize, have fun, and learn about healthy habits. This way, you will not only teach children a healthier lifestyle but also save money if you prepare the meals yourself, ie. snacks for work, preschool, and school.

To keep up with those habits, we suggest you go one day at a time and be patient. It doesn't happen overnight, and the good things are worth waiting for!